This photo was taken on October 16th, 2006. The Bears are playing a thrilling game of Monday night football in the background. We had just purchased a digital camera to capture the birth of our daughter and Coach snapped this as practice before our induction the next morning. I have saved this picture, though I have no idea why he has a bobby pin in his mouth, because this is the last picture of him as an only child.
I can remember this night even more vividly than most of the next day. Coach and The Kid were bouncing off the wall with excitement. We knew she was a girl and The Kid was thrilled to have a baby sister. I was nervous (knowing there would be actual pain involved prior to the sweet baby kisses). Plus, I was overwhelmed with the fear that I could never love anyone as much as I loved The Kid. He was the center of my whole world and it didn't seem possible that my heart would have enough room for another. I was so very wrong, it grew and then grew again.
I was also afraid because he would have to share his mom and dad, not to mention his Grammy and Pop pop, for the first time. Little did he know, 3 years later he would be a brother with two little sisters. God help him one day! I love him even more, now that he is a brother. He occasionally complains that he is not getting enough alone time, and yet that little Irish Catholic boy is still wishing we would have another. (Well, another 6 year old boy).
It is not all sunshine and lollipops, the Kid and Tink argue plenty. They are constantly pushing each other's boundaries. I heard a rumour this is how Flag girl and Warhol used to behave. Today, her big brother calls her nearly every morning to check in and has for years. I am keeping my fingers crossed that The Kid will follow in this example. In my happy mind, I picture my huge Kid standing next to my tiny Tink, always ready to protect her. No one will ever be able to pick on her, except maybe him.
Kid, I will continue to keep this picture to remember what our life looked like just before a Tink blew into our home. One morning, when you are fighting to get into the bathroom around two teenage girls, you can look back and ask your parents...why??
It was no rumour....we didn't like each other at all back then...we couldn't even drive in the same car together going to JJC. He was a bad driver!!!
This one makes me cry. He is still my favorite "grandson." He'll tell you too.
I can remember pulling away from my mom & dad's house after we dropped off Shortcake the night before Punkin was born. It was without a doubt one of the top five most difficult moments of my life. Unlike The Kid, Shortcake doesn't give us any requests for additional siblings so I think while she loves her sister fiercely she's about all Shortcake can handle (and we agree).
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