My husband, is a Junior High Basketball Coach. He is one week into his 4th season. Coaching can be exhausting. He chooses to guide and teach, 17 teenage boys. Each and Every Season, we'll happily choose it again. Until, the choice is taken from us.
On November 2nd, our Little town, has a Big Decision. We will vote on a Referendum, to increase property taxes, to save our Grade School from Drastic Cuts. Including, our Athletic program, Arts, Music, reducing teachers and increasing class size. Surprisingly, it appears the vote, may not go our way.
Our Paper, has informed the public of several pertinent facts. I would like to make this Personal.
Here are the Facts:
(the Facts as they pertain to you.)1. Our Grade School District, has NOT had an Education Fund Increase, in 27 years.
In perspective, our District has not provided an increase to our Children's education, during the course of Coach's Lifetime. Do you suppose, that is the case in China or Japan?2. If we do not vote Yes, programs will immediately be cut. Currently, there are hundreds of children, participating in Sport Programs, Art and Music Clubs etc.
Our town will take away their entire social scene. Where would you prefer those children, spend their evenings? 3. The Illinois Constitution, declares the State must provide 51% of Education dollars to our Schools. Currently, Our Town receives 33% of it's revenue from the State.
Our School is not in jeopardy because of Huge Coach or Teacher Salaries (trust me). Our School is in jeopardy, because our State is not providing. We must provide for our children's futures, ourselves.4. The 50 Cent increase, for the value of my home, would raise our taxes, just over $200 a year.
In perspective:
We spend at least $600 a year on pizza.
We spend $200 on a school trip to Old Navy.
We drop $200 on a day at the Cubs game.5. If we do NOT Vote Yes. Our schools will suffer. Enrollment will drop. People will turn to Private Education or reconsider moving to our community. Eventually, our Grade School will close. Forcing our children to be Bused to Pontiac. We will lose our 'Small Town' appeal. Consumers will leave. Our home values will plummet.
6. Last:
We are NOT raising taxes, to help a few kids play Ball.
If you were to put in perspective, how our School system provided an 'additional education' to the 3 Men, of Coach's Family....
What if there were no Art classes? There would be no 'Dead Wall' to view at Turtles.
What if there were no Clubs, Band or Prom Dances? There would be no President to make an Impact on our town.
What if there were no Sectional Bound Basketball Team? No Citizen's Award or Football Field to run? There would have been a very empty Gym that year and no Coach, as we know him.In Four Seasons, Coach has guided Boys through painful divorces. He has met with kids to discuss drugs and alcohol. He has helped those who had less, with difficult home lives and those who just needed a little boost to their self-esteem. He helps them smile. He coaches boys to become better men. To learn respect, patience and healthy competition.
Coach, provides them with Life Skills. Him and
many other Teachers, Coaches, Athletic Directors, Art and Music Teachers.
To give our children, the tools to compete in the 'Game of Life' we need smaller classrooms, attention to detail and extra-curricular programs. We need to provide our children, the opportunities we were given. If not, we are creating a Generation, that will be less than Us. Less than our Parents. Less than other competing Countries.
In Junior High....
Did you play a Sport? Join a Club? Play an instrument? Did your brother, sister or parents? Did you meet a new friend in that club, which you still talk to today? Did your Sport make you feel better, during awkward teenage moments?
Do you have a Child? Do you have a niece or nephew?
Imagine, stealing the same opportunity from them.
Just to save $200??
Young Voters, can win this Referendum.
If you have never voted before. Vote now.
If you recently bought a home, had a baby or are planning to get married. Vote for your Future.
Never, depend on others, to vote your conscience.
It really does take a Village, to raise a child.
(please ignore, the political source, of above quote!)Vote Yes, on November 2nd.People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. That is not true. Decisions are made by those who make themselves heard and who vote - a very different thing. ~Walter H. Judd