1. Just because you have a baby on May 18th and exactly one year ago, on that date it was 78 degrees and sunny....does not mean that it won't be 58 degrees, chilly and windy....after you invite 60 people to your home. So much for the excitement of having our first Spring baby.
2. My idea of torture is having Grandma make a giant scotcharoo, drop it off at 10:00am and form it in a cute.as.a.bleepin.button.number.one. so I can not cut off a tiny corner. Just precious, Grandma. Thanks a ton. Next time, bring on the Chinese water torture.
3. If you write too many Posts about Flag Girl's children, she will get a huge giant head and think she is too important to Comment on Coco's birthday post. I hope you are comfortable in your Number 2 slot.
4. If you fill two coolers, place them comfortably close to the group on the driveway, they will not leave, until that cooler is empty. Even on a school night.
5. It was fun having fresh blood at the party. Munchkin, The Bride, some girl named Karen, The Mrs., some kid that showed with One...while they blared 'Sunglasses at Night' and then wore, sunglasses all night.
Oh, Flag Girl...was that about your offspring again? How great are they?!
6. At the end of the night, after our babies were in bed, Coach and I cuddled up to be happy in our Life's Wonders and he commented, "The party was good. The new Hoop was a huge hit!".
Coach purchased "The Kid" a new hoop. Because "The Kid" really wanted a brand new hoop. Coach then spent HOURS preparing the location, so "The Kid" could spend the majority of the party playing on it. And apparently, to Coach, that was the only special part, of our daughter turning 1.
Truth: The Kid and Six read books in the bedroom, the older kids (plus Coach) played ball all night. I'm not sure Uncle had the chance to glance at Coco, not unless she was under the hoop.
7. It is possible, to make a Cupcake, look gross. I did not realize that, until watching Coco.
8. Our children, are not as intelligent as they seem. They believe sticks, may actually be allowed to be turned into Sparklers. Maybe, they recognized the Two Coolers, gave them a little freedom.
9. It is not a party, at our home, if we do not have to phone our 'On Call' doctor to stitch someone up. Thankfully, this injury occurred off our premises and to an elder, rather than a child.
10. Grammy, got the award, for Far Creepiest present. Giving a gift, that invokes a nervous smile, eyes welled with tears and small screams from Tink...each time it is turned on. Next time, stick with buying cute clothes.
I learned, I am now a mother to a One year old, a Three year old and an Eight year old.
When did that happen??
I knew you could find something about the party to blog about. How cute is Coco? Very..... That toy is hilarious, not creepy.
Great pictures. I wish we could have been there to see Coco and the new HOOP!!!!
I did let it go to my head just a bit...but now I'm just as excited that I got a "shout out" on Coco's Birthday blog!
The Kids hoop was a big hit...
Happy Birthday, Coco. Maybe Mom should have let you at the "1", then she could have had to shape it again and not suffer all afternoon. Just a thought. Love to all. Gramma
Grammy, I love you but that toy was c to the r to the double e y, creepy. It would not have made it ten minutes in our house without meeting an untimely, tragic end.
If that toy is creepy, it does not say much for my farm friends. We thought it was hilarious.
Happy Bday Coco....you honestly brighten my day the second I lay my eyes on you! -Donehol
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