Monday, February 8, 2010

Leaving a dust trail behind her....

At approximately, 11:00am-ish, I informed Tink she was invited to a slumber party at her cousin's.
Within seconds she had dashed from her mother, to pack her bag.
Including essentials, such as: 3 Barbies, two DVD's and two pairs of pajamas.
Really, with those items, she could have managed all weekend.
She then parked herself in the chair and waited for her Aunt to pick her up....6 hours later.

Of course, she was excited to spend the night with Eleven and Twelve. It's not as if she has a cute sister at home!
Unfortunately, her little Coco is pretty boring and not nearly as much fun to play Princess and Tea Party with.

I fear there may be a very similar and disheveled picture taken of the three, at an unsanctioned After Prom Party.

Not too worry, my feelings were not hurt by the urgency my daughter packed and fled my home.
That very same day, I booked tickets for Coach and I to fly away on a romantic weekend.
So there Tink, I want to flee.... too!

(Mom guilt! I want to spend time with my husband, but I do not want to flee my children...just maybe take a mini, tiny, little time out. Love you, kids!)


Anderson Family said...

What a coincidence, I booked some vacation time from work too. Oh wait, mine is not for a romantic get away. I'm watching your kids while you run away. Looking at the "After Prom" picture scares me. I thought Eleven was going to be the responsible one. In that picture I am not seeing it. Poor Twelve, just trying to fit in. Run Twelve, find Coco.

The General said...

I can be romantic...where are we going?

The Mrs. said...

OMG, is my husband hitting on his cousin's wife? Do we not have enough crossing over of families lines? I'll leave the self-proclaimed role of romantic untouched for now...

Cute pictures of the girls! It really is unfair to those less fortunate that we have so much adorableness in one family, don't you think?