Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Somebody should have warned me...sunscreen would cost less than a chemical peel.

One of my new bathroom purchases was an ultra-high magnifying flip mirror.
It was recently hung.
Foolishly, I was very excited, for my future eyebrows.
Last night, while the children slept, I grabbed the tweezers for a quick clean-up.
25 minutes later, I emerged with a complete map of every freckle, sunspot, pore, wrinkle and blemish. A voyage, I had not properly, prepared myself to take.
Maybe, those teenage years in the pool, were a mistake.
Maybe, purchasing that mirror, was a more fatal mistake.

This morning, I spent nearly an hour, clearing and organizing my kitchen cabinets to accommodate my new wine glasses. A Christmas grab-bag gift.
Positioned, front and center, on their very own shelf.

Do you find these two activities to be unrelated?
Chronologically or in subject matter?

Me either.


Anderson Family said...

Poor ugly, fat, old Tru Stories. Good thing you were able to land a husband before your whole body went south.

Tru Stories said...

I'm not too worried about what details my husband may see....he is supposed to wear prescription glasses, yet he only puts them on to read the football scores scrolling the bottom of the TV screen. So unless a picture of my pores is posted next to the Illini score....I'm pretty safe.

The Mrs. said...

Why? Why, why why would you a) purchase such a gastly instrument on purpose and b)subject yourself to such torture by standing in front of it? My hand held mirror has a magnified side and I avoid it like the plague. My self-esteem couldn't handle the blow. I'd rather just have nasty looking brows.

Flag Girl said...

I NEBER go in your bathroom!!!!!!

Andrea said...

very cute, flag girl!