Example Number One,
my daughters are inspirational.
Friday evening, Nine says to me:
Nine: I want to take Coco to my school for Show and Tell but Dad said she couldn't.
Me: She can go to your Show and Tell. If you pick a day with your teacher, I will take her there.
Warhol: Seriously?
Me: Sure. It's not like I'm doing anything.
(certainly not like I'll be at Oprah....sad face.)
If she clears a day with her teacher, I'll take her in.
Nine (smiling and bouncing happily):
You will!! I'll ask on Monday!!!
Me (overwhelming with joyful pride for my baby and her big cousin, whom obviously loves her):
So... what do you want Coco to wear? Do you want her to bring something or do something special?
Nine: Yeah. I want to show everyone how she likes to eat stuff like deodorant and markers and stuff!!
Me (pride crashing with a deafening thud): Oh.
Example Number Two:
Me: Tomorrow is Dress up Like for when you Grow Up Day, at school. What do you want to be?
Tink: Nofing.
Me: What job do you want to have? School Teacher. Fire Man. Nurse. Yoga Teacher. Painter. Baseball player? What do you want to be when you are big?
Tink: I just want to be NOFING!!!
Me: Ok. Aim High.
(Just maaaaaybe... the inspirational 'problem' is coming from their central female role model?)
When Coco starts eating fire she'll have a head start above Tink on a future career. Exploithol
i was hoping scenario one ended that way.
perfect little fix, thank you!
Tink announced proudly in class that when she grows up she wants to be a mermaid!! better than nofing!
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