Finally, on Saturday, we decided to put our cat down. After a 24 hour period, where he peed throughout the house 4 times (No, Chili, the door to his potty room was not shut once!)... we realized the problem was not going to get any better. The vet confirmed, once a cat has established this habit, he will not stop.
Coach and I made a deal. He would take the cat to be put down and I would deliver the news to the children. (He had the better end of this deal.)
The Kid was obviously upset. Rigby was 'his pet'. He was sad, mixed with angry... "Why did Rigby have to be SO DUMB! Why wouldn't he stop doing that??" Uhhh, good question.
Surprisingly, Tink was the most heartbroken. Hear me say this... NOTHING is more awful, than watching her itty bitty face, crumble in tears. Would you like to know, my version of torture??? Hours after receiving the news, Tink sat in a bubble filled tub, giant tears dripping down her newly sun burnt face, while sobbing "I want Rigby to come back to mine home! I don't want him to be an angel cat wif wings in heaben! I want him to be wif me, in dis house."
Totally awful.
Her raw heartbreak, made The Kid cry all over again. Which, of course, lead to Coco crying in confused sympathy with her older siblings.
This afternoon, we held a quick but tasteful mini-funeral. I later learned, my dad had once buried his childhood cat only feet away. Leaving me very UNexcited about the knowledge that my corner has been Cuted-Up but the back yard has been secretly turned in a Pet Cemetery.
Rest in Peace, Rigby.
Honestly, I probably would have loved you more, if you had not spent the past year urinating all over our laundry. But you were my children's cat and they will miss you. Tink is convinced you have 'preddy sparkly angel wings' and I very much hope she is right.
Losing a pet is a good way for children learn about death. Better a cat than someone they love.
Unfortunately, children should not have to learn about dog bites from pets.
Poor Tink has not had an easy time with pets.
Losing a pet is awful. RIP, Rigby.
(I know where there are four adorable kittens up for adoption in case you want to give it another go 'round. The black and white kitten who has been given the name Oreo by his surrogate owners is especially cute. I'll even personally deliver him to your home when he's ready to leave his mama!)
Never. No Danks. Not gonna Happen. Ferget about it.
So sorry to hear of the loss of Rigby. Sometimes life is hard. Both on parents and children. I will say some prayers for the living. Love, Gramma G
Very odd to know my birthday blog will follow the dead Rigby blog.
I feel like this blog is permission to off our old cat. She's been throwing up everywhere, mostly because she's an OCD fur cleaner, and my significant other keeps suggesting that it's time. But I kept thinking about your cat and how you keep it around even though it pees everywhere. This changes everything. Do you have room for one more shoebox in your pet cemetery?
I mean, I'm very sorry for your loss.
A murderer telling their victim to rest in peace?
I hope when you get old you pee your bed and someone puts you down for it you sick fuck…
Pets will sometimes pee on the floor. Sometimes even people do. Yes, "Sometimes life is hard" give me a fucking break…
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