Hey, Christmas Shopping, we owned you on Sunday. Coach and I, taught you a lesson, you will soon not forget.
You nearly broke us in Toys R Us. There was a moment, we got confused and lost in the maze of the learning section. You tried to divide and conquer us. I'm pretty sure you turned up the temperature, because it got real hot, real fast. Still, we got our sale items and walked out, list in hand. You may have snagged us on the Christmas wrapping paper, placed strategically near the register but who won the war? You know, we did.
Except for those last four items.
You may still be victorious.
History has proven, one battle, in the last few hours, will determine the outcome.
1. The Kid's Christmas Eve jammies. Go ahead, Old Navy, put those on sale for $7. That sale will be great, for the mother's of boys size XXL or XS. Good for them. Though, you did surprise me with Beatles T-shirts for the girls, on clearance. I suppose, I still Heart you.
2. Coco's first Christmas ornament. You should know, Daddy was prepared to give up on you. Ironic, given he is the baby in his family. We will keep looking. I had no idea, it would be so complicated, to find some kind of baby ornament.
3. 'Somebody' at the last minute, threw us a curve ball. Asking, Santa in the school letter, for a book on the Titanic. Who does that? Who wants Santa to bring them a book, about hundreds of people drowning and/or freezing to death? Man, he is a twisted, little dork.
4. The Grab Bag. Ugh, the pressure. To have a cool, yet practical...yet cool, Grab Bag. Doesn't life have enough stress!?
Otherwise, Shopping. We did own you.
Just to rub the salt...we also fit in a movie, and a dinner with drinks.
How bout them apples?
Thanks Grandma, for taking my kids for 22 hours. My longest span, without children or a pregnancy, in 14 months. (Sad, I know.)
Did I miss my little ones?
Not so much!
Sorry, babies.
I've seen First Christmas ornaments at Target, Hallmark & Michaels.
P.S. I HEART your blog.
The Target in our state was out and Hallmark is for rich people! But, I may have to check if we run out of time.
I also HEART you and the tiny baby in your belly! How am I going to get all the cute hand me down gap dresses to her?
Some people can get beyond the death in the Titanic and be interested in the history. Look at the History Channel once in awhile. You will see many Titanic shows. All without Leo! Maybe the gifted child wants to know the facts about the boat!! Get off his back. Signed: His Twin
Me and Doc "OWNED THE GAP"on Saturday....to the point that we made a scene in the middle of the mall as our excitement of realizing there was an extra % off of already reduced prices that we didn't know of until after check out....all the while the worker at Aeropstale stared at us like we were completely insane Idiots!!
I believe the worker at Aeropstale was subject to cheers, high fives, ginormous smiles, a little screetching followed by fabulous laughter!! We OWN THE GAP!!!
Ebay for ornaments. Da bomb.
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