Sunday, May 12, 2013

To the Women in my Life:

To my girlfriends (those I see every day, those I know in passing and those I share the pleasure of raising our children together): I sincerely appreciate you.

To my sister-in-laws: You are the sisters, I have always longed for.  For guidance or an amusing phone call. Some have been mothers for years, a couple are more new to motherhood... each of you, are doing the very best you can and have amazing children benefiting from your love.

To my children's God-mothers: My babies are blessed to have you.

To Lil GG: You have a strong heart and a kind soul.  We are thinking of you often and feel honored to be a part of the family you have created.

To my Mother-in-law: I am grateful for our relationship. I am thankful for the man you raised to be a wonderful father and loyal husband. I could never express my gratitude for the endless love you give my children.

To my Mother: I continue to watch you grow because we were both young together.  I appreciate your desire to chase dreams and find your passion.  You were once so scared to believe in yourself, I hope your next venture brings you closer to the person who makes you feel whole.  My children are stronger people today because you have always supported their mother's dreams.

Happy Mother's Day!
You each make me a better person.


Arizona said...

and Happy Mother's day to you! i love your attitude about life and your child raising abilities and advice (and non-advice)!
intentional or not, you help me be a better mama!

Unknown said...

It is amazing how much a parent can learn from her children. You have made me a stronger person. Glad you are walking with me on this path. Love you.