Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Wedding Anniversary

The girls and I were recently listening to Pink's new song and Tink said something to me, just after the following lyrics:
Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them

Tink: That was Daddy!  He stole your heart, right?

Me: That's right, he honestly did.

Tink: Did you want him to steal your heart?

Me: Nope.  But he snatched it up anyway and I couldn't get it back.

Tink: And did you steal Daddy's heart?

Me: Not exactly.  He really just kept trying to give it to me, over and over again... Finally, I decided I had better keep it.

Tink (laughing, she loves this): Daddy stole your heart and he is never going to give it back!

Me: Never!? He will always keep my heart?  I can never have it back?

Tink: Nope.  Neber.  It's Daddy's now...

Out of the mouths of babes...
Dear Coach,
This brief conversation, with our six year old, is surprisingly poetic and honest.  I resisted falling in love with you (which was a crazy waste of time... right?) although I really only fooled myself.   Thankfully, despite my best efforts, you immediately Stole my Heart.
And now it's yours... please take care of it.
Because I never want it back.


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Our Tink is going to be as poetic as her Mommy. I know you will have a super romantic day going to yoga, attending a track meet, maybe you can end the day with dairy queen. Love you both and your 5 Family.

Coach said...

Our marriage is just like a fairytale, anniversary dinner at McDonald's, track meet, t-ball, baths and bedtime. I wouldn't want it any other way.....well? Anyway its still stupid and gets better everyday.

Anonymous said...

TG, your a great sis n law, worhol