Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Like the other half lives...

Just within the last hour, my parents left in a rented van, with my three children on vacation to a family reunion.  And they will not return... until Sunday.  What??!!
This will be the very first time, Coach and I have been alone in our home, in the past 7 1/2 years! (Our last charted alone time in this house lasted approximately 29 hours.) Not to mention, this will be the first and only time in nearly 11 years, I have been without at least one child, for more than 3 days.
Needless to say, it's bout to get KaRazy up in heres!
Now, Coach will be business as usual, working his 50 hr work week.  And I have 5 yoga classes scheduled.  (Not to mention that little Warrior Dash on Saturday....) But these are examples of some of the KaRazy I've got planned for the next 5 days:
- I will not fill any sippy cup, at any time, for any reason (nor will I open a Capri Sun or another juice box of any variety.)
- We will be entitled to full and complete TV rights.  Which means: if we please, we could watch True Blood or The Walking Dead in the main living area, on the big TV, without our finger situated just above the Pause button. (Neither of those shows are actually on, over the next 5 days... but I'm just sayin.)
- I will have the freedom to pee, whenever I may choose, without a small child watching, lurking on the other side of the door or upon realizing I have to pee... they then having to pee IMMEDIATELY and just before me... in the same bathroom.
- I will not cook, one tray of chicken nuggets or prepare a single Peanut Butter n Jelly (not even if Coach begs)

I also plan:
- to clean my home.  REALLY clean my home.  And then not immediately turn WITHIN SECONDS.. to find a Barbie on the couch, The Kid's dirty socks by the door or pink toothbrushes, toothpaste or hair ties on the bathroom counter.
- I'm gonna take a nap. Or two... maybe three.
- I will have no reason to referee a little girl scratch fight, ending with one or the other screaming "You're not mine sista anymore!"
- I will not wipe any butts (hopefully Coach can handle his own) or clean any faces or yank a brush thru Tink's tangled hair as she smacks my hand.

Now.. of course, by this weekend, I will start missing my babies.  Coach does not snuggle as cute as Tink and Coach is not as funny as Coco and Coach rarely quotes random Titanic facts during dinner.
But Coach is sorta cute...
and it will be nice to have him to myself.


The Mrs. said...

Cliff notes version for Tru Stories readers: You might want to call before you go to the 222nd floor this week. There are some things, no matter how hard you try, you can't unsee.

The Brides Father said...

Do you need somebody to watch Maggie Mae? Just leave her outside I can throw some food in the yard for her.

Unknown said...

I have already wipe some butts, dunked my hand in the toilet while wiping a butt, opened juice packs, heard the phrase, You are not my sister anymore. Lived the ultimate Titanic Dream, heard more facts than any one person needs to hear. Enjoy your little honeymoon. I might not want to see these children again for days after this trip!!!
Hilarious that The Brides Father is commenting.

Unknown said...

I have already wipe some butts, dunked my hand in the toilet while wiping a butt, opened juice packs, heard the phrase, You are not my sister anymore. Lived the ultimate Titanic Dream, heard more facts than any one person needs to hear. Enjoy your little honeymoon. I might not want to see these children again for days after this trip!!!
Hilarious that The Brides Father is commenting.

Anonymous said...

The Kid:
I hope that u had a nice time by yourself! Oh by the way; did you know that the Titanic had over 4,000 tons of coal for it's maiden voyage? Haha love you mom!