Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So I had the Craziest Dream:

I am walking around my new house.  It's huge, brick ranch, with two large wings.  But not crazy huge, just like the rich side of town past Scott Dr kinda huge... The kitchen and main living room are in the middle of the house.  I'm walking to the kitchen.
The five of us live with Flag Girl, Chili D and the boys. Each family sorta has their own wing, for bedrooms.  But a community living area.  Kinda Sister-Wives-ish. 
In the dream, I'm doing totally normal stuff.  Walking around the kitchen... The Cute Girl just got dropped off by her Dad, to visit with Jumbo Joe.  Coco enters the kitchen and needs a water.  I open our new fridge and realize we have 4 giant sized Heinz Ketchup bottles.  Two bottles essentially empty.. and two bottles more than half empty.
In my head, I think... "Man, we need to buy new Ketchup".  Chili D and Tink are really burning through our Ketchup supply...
Right around this time, I wake up.  I'm still laying in bed, sorta sleepy.  I'm thinking about my dream... and Get This:  I am not thinking about how weird it is that I am living in a community house with Flag Girl's family... it's not weird that Cute Girl is dropped off by her dad... it's not odd to me that we share a community kitchen...
No.  While awake, laying in my bed, I was honestly thinking: How are we going to keep that fridge stocked with enough Ketchup for everyone??  I mean... we can't run out of Ketchup! What the hell is gonna happen, if we don't have enough Ketchup??
That.  Was what was strange to me, about the dream.  Bottom Line: I'm weird, I guess.


Coach said...


Anonymous said...

Your gonna have to learn to make your own ketchup after the zombie apocalypse. katsuphol