Are you really a Cubs fan?
Answer honestly.
1. You began planning your Opening Day Party/Opening Day Wardrobe, 6 weeks ago.
A.) Hell to the Yea
B.) Duh, no
2. You secretly wish the team colors were Navy/Red.
A.) That is sacrilegious
B.) Yes, bright blue does not work with my skin tone.
3. You buy your cable service, according to which carries WGN.
A.) Duh, of course.
B.) Why, what's on WGN?
4. You have named a pet or child after a Cubs player, The Field or the Cross roads it rests on.
A.) Wrigley is not just a dog, he is a part of the family.
B.) My dog is named Rex.
5.) You take a vacation day, to spend the afternoon swearing at the computer, while you try to purchase game tickets.
A.) Yes, and I got two games!
B.) Why, can't you just walk up the the gate and buy tickets there?
6.)You raise all of your children to be Cubs fans, similar to intentionally raising your daughter to become a submissive wife, with no career aspirations or educational goals.
A.) Yes, it will make them tougher.
B.) My children think a Cub is a baby bear.
7.) At least once, during each season, you declare, "I'm done with them." only to recant around Mid-January.
A.) Sorry, yes.
B.) I never started with them.
8.) You think this year, is The Year.
A.) Down with the Curse!
B.) The Year for what?
10.) At some point, you have puked, passed out or gotten lost around Clark and Addison.
A.) Sorry, wife, I have to answer yes.
B.) Who are Clark and Addison?
Bonus Question:
If you won, 6 free dugout tickets. What 5 people would you take with you? Do not answer, while following Married Couple Guidelines. Just pick the 5 people, you most want to spend 3 superawesomefun hours with.
If you answered (A.) to more than Six Questions....
Sorry, you may really be a Cubs fan.
Good Luck.
I think this, may be their year!
Happy Opening Day, Clark.
We'll see you in a few hours, for your favorite holiday of the year.
Cubs? Why don't you go find your goat
Here is a funny story. You could raise your kids to be White Sox fans. Spend a fortune taking them to White Sox games. Let said child move into the home of our head White Sox fan. Watch his spirit help propel Sox to a World Series win. Help this Sox fan buy Grandpa Sox fan's house. Watch Sox fan turn on you, start wearing Cubbie blue, fly Cubbie blue flag at Grandpa Sox's house. Very sad. Hey blog about that!!
I didn't even have to read your quiz (but I did anyway because, duh, knew it'd be hilarious) to know how I'd fare.
Our sports related national holiday? NFL season opener, baby!
GO CUBS! May 12th I have first row behind home plate tickets! Very Excited!
I'm going to have to go with The Mrs. on this one.
You turned on your family's team? there are no words
If I were to take my own quiz...I am not exactly a Cubs fan. I am however, a very supportive wife.
Also, Munchkin, I was not raised a Catholic, but you don't seem to mind me changing teams on that one?!
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