Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tinkerbell starts Pre-school

The Actual Events (The story inside my Head.)

The alarm rings.
Me: Well, today is the Big Day. I am totally ready for this. I don't think I am going to cry!

Coach: You hate the girls. You only love The Kid.

Me: It's not that. I just think Tink is VERY ready.
(I mean, we are together ALL the time. We need a break from each other. She needs to make some friends. Learn, grow...get OUT there!)

We wake her. She is bouncing with excitement. She dresses herself, eats her breakfast and repeatedly declares "I am berry big now, like mine broda."
(Gulp. Big like her broda?)

We head outside, take the standard 'First Day of School' Pic in the same location as her brother.
(Ummm, hold the phone. That backpack seems pretty big. She's just a tiny person. She can't carry a bag THAT big. Tiny people, can't just be walkin around without their mothers, carrying giant bags!)

We ditch Coco, to make Tink's morning special. We cheerfully drive 4 blocks to the Church Preschool.
(Wow. We are really, kinda doing this. What do we even know about this school? I can't even remember her teacher's name.)

We arrive outside.
Coach asks if we go inside, or drop her at the door.
(What is wrong with him! Drop her at the door! She is just tiny! She can't get in the door by herself. My God, I am surprised he didn't just slow down on the street and push her out of the van.)

We take a pic at the door.
(Umm, does she look nervous? Is she not ready?)

We open the door and head inside.
Just then.. her hand, reaches up for mine.
(Throat closing! Her hand is so tiny. She loves me.)

We place her huge back pack, in the too small cubby.
We enter her room, she begins to play.

Coach: Well, are you ready to go?

Me: What! None of her friends are here yet. Can we at least wait for her people?
(Oh my gosh, wait a minute!)

Friends arrive.

Coach: Are you ready, now?
Me: Just because you don't love her and are ready to run out and celebrate our tiny daughter growing up and leaving home...
(Jerk! Why did I marry someone so insensitive?)

Coach kisses her goodbye.
I lean down to kiss her goodbye.

Me: Good luck. I love you. Have a great first day.
Tink: I lobe you too. I am big now, like mine broda.

(What did she say? Tears welling. Big like her brother? She can't be. She was JUST a baby. A teeny baby.)

Tink turns to her friends. Totally over me. Coach walks out of the room. I follow (the jerk).

(My chest hurts! Tears. What just happened? How the heck did that JUST happened? When did she become big? I'm not ready. I change my mind.)

Coach and I get in the van.

Coach (smiling with his ugly face): I thought you weren't going to cry?

Me: Shut up.


Unknown said...
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Milhouse said...

i was just calculating the other day, I cannot believe she will be 4 next month!

Tru Stories said...
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cmta said...

i feel your pain lady! i kept preparing myself for about a week not to cry and then woke up yesterday morning and held back the tears through out the whole getting ready process. then lost it in the car on the way home! luckily, the kids all did GREAT and LOVED it! :) that is all drew has talked about! tomorrow will be better. it will only get easier! :)

Doc said...

Way to stay strong! Tink is growing up...what a cutie!! Congratulations on your first day of school Tink!!
Love Doc