Friday, March 5, 2010

Flashback Friday, 1986

I was recently told, that my blog felt a little like being cast in a funny play.
I consider this, a very high compliment.
My Company is Eighty percent, Coach's family. I very much appreciate, what great sports they are. Without you, I can not imagine how lame this blog would be. I could not have cast a better group, if I had held auditions.

Coach, recently cleaned out several boxes of treasures (old junk) from his parents' home. After diving in (throwing out) much of the goodies, we began to discover several items were his siblings. Reports cards, old newspaper clippings, a few applications for the DQ.... so very much dirty laundry for a blogger to receive.
I considered a post, devoted entirely to his family's old clippings but quickly thought the better of it.
If anyone, were to post old pics of me, without proper veto privileges...
I would just die.
Slowly and painfully.
Then, I found the golden nugget. The most precious and sought after, of all Flashback Fridays.
This post is not meant to humiliate or poke fun.
As a matter of fact, I am now just a bit more taken with the subject.

The eldest of Coach's clan, is Warhol. A graduate and pristine product of the 80's. In this one yearbook photo, I have NEVER and I mean never, seen such a perfect, shining example of the decade of decadence.

Am I the only person flashing, happily back to Christian Slater, in Gleaming the Cube? A younger, cuter Nic Cage of Valley Girl..or Kevin Bacon in Footloose?
How perfect, are those bandannas?
He is beyond rad.
He is totally, tubular.
I love it.

All this time, I thought I had nailed, the cutest brother.
Strictly, my opinion....Jackie, may certainly, disagree.


warhol said...


Flag Girl said...

I will admit....he is so perfectly adorable in this picture! I will never ever repeat this.....ever!

Tru Stories said...

I'm not sure his sister calling him adorable, would have been his desired effect, while putting together 'The Look'.

Anonymous said...

Is Leigh Ann Heenans arm resting on your inner thigh???

Anonymous said...

"Bad R" ...right before his prime.