Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Best of 2013: #6-10

The very best Big and Little Moments of our year.
(In no particular order...)
6. Coco's Sweet Shop Opens!
Providing it's namesake with many, many trips uptown for mint candies.

7. The Rock of Ages Dance event.
We know so many great people, who (for some reason) are always willing to help with our crazy ideas!

 Our Next Relay for Life Dance is "Friends in Low Places" on January 25th.

8. Engagements and Engagement Parties.
We celebrated (really celebrated) the upcoming wedding of Sweetbreads and Warhol earlier in 2013.

And the happy recent engagement of Flag Girl and Chili D (wedding coming soon!!).  I also captured the best Photo Bomb on top of a Photo Bomb. (Photo Bomb squared)

9. Tinkerbell flies..
My middle became a Big Girl version of her little girl body.  Practicing and perfecting her cheering, piano lessons, reading, Tball and general adorable awesomeness.

10. A Cubs Game Couple Style and The Cubs Game crowning Coach the Greatest Dad ever...

 In July, Coach and I spent a great Saturday night in Chicago.  Rooftop game with friends, great hotel stay and the perfect quiet Sunday morning walking the city and lunching on deep dish pizza.
 A few weeks later, Coach was offered 4 tickets to another game and within hours threw together an amazing evening for him and his kids.  He honestly refers to it as one of his best Dad nights ever.
** This is also one of the best pictures ever taken of our babies.  It so perfectly captures each personality.

A pretty great year!

1 comment:

Coach said...

Cubs game...awesome.
Dance... awesome.
Double photo bomb... awesome.
Music stopping while Steven Tyler was performing... Priceless