Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Guy.

While browsing old Coach posts, I began to collect my favorite quotes I have written about how I feel for him.  (Because occasionally, I give him the credit he deserves on this blog.)
February 14, 2013
"You make me giggle in a manner I didn't think was possible, for a woman so inherently opposed to cutesie-girl giggles."
May 6, 2012
"Coach is always exactly and amusingly who you'd expect him to be. There is hardly a person alive, who does not enjoy the company of Coach.  Me... especially."
April 10, 2012
".... because is there anything better, than making Coach contagiously giggle??".
November 10, 2011
"I can hardly resist your ridiculously confident smile. (gosh knows there are many times I try to stay angry and your stupid cuteness gets in my way). Above all, you are my laugh."
May 6, 2011
"So often, Coach is the main character in our story because he typically shines much brighter than I. Except the trait which has always made him unique, is the joy he finds in other people's happiness."
November 10, 2010
"Coach: You are the pepperoni on our pizza.  The Bounce in our step.  The swish of our free-throw.  The bacon on top of our nachos.  Without you, this family would be pretty bland." 
Coach is aww-shucksly adorable.
He is sweet and kind.  He is honestly one of the only two people (his father) I have met who genuinely wakes every single morning with the intention to simply remain happy throughout his day.  He has a faith in his heart which allows him to believe in the warmth of people.  I am a better person for loving him.  My children will undoubtedly become the best versions of themselves with Coach enthusiastically in their corner.
Happy Birthday, Coach.
You are without question,
my most Favorite Grown-up. Ever.


Munchkin said...

I enjoy Coach's company. I also find it very amusing when he and his siblings get school-girl giggly with each other. I wish we could replay the after Bear's pregame a few years ago. The amount of high fiving was Ah-mazing. Happy Birthday Coach!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Coach is also a wonderful son-in-law. It is a good feeling to know my daughter has such a great husband and my grandkids have such a loving Dad.

Flag Girl said...

Happy Bday Coach! Can't say enough how much fun I have when your around.
I have 2 boys that adore you, and you have helped them thru the big stuff and the little stuff....

on call barber for the perfect messed up look 2 minutes before a dance!

Taking the belt off your own pants to give to Joe for the evening to polish off his look.

Fast Ca$h.....and so on.....

And all the free advice.

we love you lots for all you do, not only for your own family, but for your siblings families too.
Love ya!