when you take 8 awesome people
(who find each other totally hilarious!)
Lose their combined eleven kids to Grandmothers.
Drop those 8 peeps in a colorful and exciting location.

Add a little dehydration, due to back sweat.
Quenched by 3 for 1 specials....

You may end up with some pretty smiley faces.
And a few broken laws....
Sorry Bragelina's place.
(Looks like the brothers are Team Aniston.)

Keepin It Real Segment:
Poor Clark, came down with a bit of a stomach bug. Causing him to spend the majority of 24 hours in his hotel room. As you can imagine, Bourbon Street is not conducive to 'resting'. Stomach Bugs and Lack of Clark time, does not make us smiley.
Thankfully, he bounced back like a Champ.

Dear Siblings:
You guys are sorta awesome.
You are super funny, ridiculously attractive
and totally lovin-life kind of people.
Also, you seem to be pretty good at choosing a significant other. Because this trip was amazing.
Where to next, Chili??
Good Times Family...... Good Times.
Playa Del Carmen, MX! Marchish....
looks like you all had a blast! great pictures! i must say, knowing most of you since 4th grade.....it is an awesome family! ;)
Were you not sitting next to Flag Girl on the way home?? Shouldn't you be looking for destinations with a 2 hour or less flight?
Dear Siblings (specifically Coach)-
Following the note to you all, describing you as beautiful, amazing, hilarious....etc.
I guess I sorta thought, I may get a mini Comment back, about how I'm not too bad of an addition to the family.
This kinda feels awkward now.
Like maybe you are trying to really drive a point home, in a fairly public manner?
I thought I was pretty smiley on the trip... I know there was that moment I got kinda mean at the restaurant, the second night, when I was starving.... is that what did me in??
Dear Siblings (specifically Coach)-
Following the note to you all, describing you as beautiful, amazing, hilarious....etc.
I guess I sorta thought, I may get a mini Comment back, about how I'm not too bad of an addition to the family.
This kinda feels awkward now.
Like maybe you are trying to really drive a point home, in a fairly public manner?
I thought I was pretty smiley on the trip... I know there was that moment I got kinda mean at the restaurant, the second night, when I was starving.... is that what did me in??
Apparently, I am so distraught, I accidentally Commented twice.
Dear Tru Stories:
I noticed how awkward it was yesterday. Now it is super awkward.
Dear Tru Stories, I felt my apology summed a few things up. As far as smiling goes, you did smile a lot and I didnt notice the hunger thing but in reality I see you smile all the time because living with 4 people under 12 keeps you young......and everything you have posted since vac, I totally agree...Super Fun!
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