Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I felt it was time, for a good ol' edition of

Why the F....

...did Dancing with the Stars, have to rip my guts out, with a painful Pre-teen flashback to the beautiful soul-twisting glory of Dirty Dancing?

...didn't Three score a touchdown last night? Did he not realize how that could have improved my mood? Selfish.

...do I look forward to each Sons Of Anarchy with the same giddy anticipation as the birth of my children?

Why the F...

...are friends planning a Moustache Party? Are there not enough people in this town, left with violent flashbacks from Coach's 1985 Prom Creepy.Pervert.Moustache? Or is that just me?

...is Tink obsessed with Band-aides?

...Does my son wear me the F out?
...Does One wear me the F out?
...Do lots of things...etc.?

Why the F...

...am I not losing weight from my
Casey's pizza/Candy Corn Diet?

...do I have to suffer 4 full weeks, with the Heavy Weight of the Secret of Munchkin's Halloween costume...when I want to discuss the inevitably hilarious details, with any stranger I may bump in to on the street...
(If I in fact, was ever in public, other than walking 1 short block to high school football games..)?

...do I have to drive all the way to Chicago, to sit in Lame First row Dug-out seats at a boring ol' Professional Baseball game tonight? Blah, blah..boring. My life is soooo tough.

Game On.


The Mrs. said...

I need to hear more details about this mustache party. It sounds...disturbing.

I'm with you on the Halloween thing. This one is going down in history, I have no doubts about it.

Cath said...

Haha, it's ok Tru Stories, you'll only have to endure the creepy.pervert.looking mustache for less than two more weeks. But seriously how great will these pictures be with multiple Tom Selleck wannabe's all in one location?? The Mrs. it's not too disturbing - mustaches are hilarious, you should come too :)
I'm intrigued about Munchkin's costume..I heart halloween and seeing everyone's creativity shine through!