Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things I do not 'get'.

Those close to me have heard some of the things 'I don't get'. I'm not trying to influence any one and you may not 'get' me after reading this.
Either way, these are the things in life that perplex me.
I do not 'get'...
1. single stuffed Oreos. Why would you ever feel like LESS cream?
2. Katie Couric
3. people who prefer John Lennon to Paul McCartney. Yes, he is amazing and gifted but is he better? No way.
3. people who say they don't like Cadberry Cream eggs because they are 'too sweet'. Is that possible?
4. Tenderloin sandwich. How about the bun to tenderloin ratio?
5. why you would ever eat a corn dog and not be at a carnival?
6. Tom Petty. Is he always sad and congested?
7. dusting. It just comes back.
8. Fantasy Football. Sorry, guys. I just don't.
9. Fanilows.
10. anyone who wants to hike the Amazon jungle. Watch 'I Survived' on Discovery.
These are only the opinions of the author. I'm pretty sure they are the right opinions, you may disagree. I would like you to start an intelligent dialog with your peers over Cadberry cream eggs and Katie Couric. Begin...


Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on the Cadbury cream eggs (the most delicious creation on earth) -- since when is 'too sweet' a bad thing???

Munchkin said...

i don't like cadbury eggs because the cream freaks me out

The Mrs. said...

Agreed, Munchkin. As for Katie, she lost me when she left Today.

Also, we buy regular Oreos because The General prefers them. You've also discovered that he doesn't read your blog so now I fear you'll want to stop hanging out with me just for being married to such a heathen.

Anonymous said...

Mr. MC prefers the regular Oreos as well. What is wrong with those two????

The General said...

I like double stuff, you just always buy the regular. But I'm just happy as long as we have Oreos. And after the look I got Saturday night, I am now a faithful follower of Tru Stories.

Munchkin said...

the general doesn't even read my blog and we're blood... and general - i've been posting six days a week

The Mrs. said...

Sorry for the misinformation - I could have sworn you said double stuff oreos were the Devil's work (or something along those lines). Why is it I only learn things about my husband via blog posts and comments? It's sad, really.