Friday, September 9, 2011

A Little More Texting...

Coco and I were chillin in her bedroom. I was busy cleaning, while she just as quickly uncleaned. After a bit, I noticed the unmistakable smell of a messy diaper.

With a sing-song voice, I say:
"Who has a stinky butt??!"

Turning towards me, with all seriousness (without a crack of a smile or hesitation) she immediately replies:


Of course, I had to text this exchange to any interested party. Flag Girl replies: "I love her..."

I reply to that:
"I know. How random that Chad's name came out?!"

Flag Girl responds:
"Or is it?"


In Conclusion:
Both Flag Girl and Coco, are pretty funny.


Chili said...

I getting her a set of permanent markers for Xmas. And Flag Girl...we'll see!!!!!

Tru Stories said...

Markers comment...
nicely done, Chili.