This has honestly, been the quickest summer, in memory. This, is why they say... 'your children grow up in a blink of an eye'. I swear, summer just began. Just a few weeks ago... it just happened.
Now, tomorrow morning, my boy will start the Fourth Grade. Like an ol' regular Big Kid.
So long Summer,
Thanks for the memories...
We snacked on some N'Orleans crawfish. Attended a few too many (losing) baseball games. Waved The Kid off to Basketball camp, Football camp and Golf camp.
There were stressful mornings at swim lessons and relaxing evenings on the Mansion patio. We enjoyed pool days, beach days and Carbonhill days.
We were Warriors.
We were Runners (walkers/joggers).
We were Cubs fans (cuz somebody has to be.)
People moved. Friends were married. Birthdays were celebrated. And a beautiful niece was born.
And we sweat(ed). Seriously. Because it was HOT.
In New Orleans, in Shelbyville and just in our yard.
My children were tanned, tired, cute and crabby. Some days felt like they would never end... while others ended much too quickly.
Tonight is a bummer (even if The Kid has been driving the girls crazy!) I will miss you, Summer. Though Coach is very happy to welcome Football Season.
I suppose, on the upside...
I'll have a little more free-time to blog.
1 comment:
In a blink of an eye......it all goes too fast. We moved back to town 4 years ago this month! Tink was a baby. Make them stop growing up.
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